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Have you ever heard anyone say, you are made for the extraordinary? I have heard this statement quite a few times, but I never believed it until now. I think we’ll never fully know what we’re possible of accomplishing until we choose to do what is impossible with us, but possible with God. God is in the midst of the impossible! Moments of doubt creep up on my all the time revealing a deeper need of trust that I long to have in him, a deeper place of intimacy I want to experience with him. Is this really you leading me God? Am I really capable of doing this, Lord? I’m way in over my head, father. This place of discomfort, worry, doubt and fear seems to pull me back speaking louder than what I know he has already spoke to me. Maybe circumstances around me don’t look promising and telling me the very opposite of this place of assurance I find in Him when we spend time together.

These are the moments I’ve experienced probably more time than I can count, but He continues to take me into a deeper place of intimacy with him. The deeper I go and the closer we are, the more I live in that place of overflow and abundance. This is not a burden, but a joy to be close to his Heart. Have you ever gone swimming in an ocean? It’s so different than being in a swimming pool. I have to try really hard to be immersed in the water and swim down deep, but in an ocean, I just stand there allowing the waves to wash over me. I live in the overflow of the waves. Sometimes it does feel like I’m in over my head and I just want to go back to the shore where it’s safe and predictable. This is the place of excitement, joy and overwhelming love that I want in my life.

Every time I say yes to him, a greater grace, strength and love consumes me helping me to move forward in faith and not run away in fear. We are made for the extraordinary because we belong to Him and He is extraordinary. He can do more than we can ask, think or imagine through us.

My question for you is do you know you are made for the extraordinary and what is your extraordinary? What gives you life?  It may preaching in Africa, sharing the gospel on the streets, serving at a homeless shelter, loving people at your place of work or being an adoptive mother. Whatever we do, let’s live in the overflow, intimacy and abundance of our loving father. This is the place of more than enough and of all things are possible. This is the place where I can see the beauty of His heart and the truth of my identity in Him. This is a secure place of rest where I can sit before him knowing in confidence that I am His beloved.  You are made to pour out from a place of overflow! You are made for the extraordinary!

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.

Psalm 42:7